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'Building Bridges' at De Wolkenfabriek, with special guest speakers from Syria, Jordan and the Netherlands who will fill an interactive program for all those interested, combined with delicious Syrian food and snacks served by Yamen cuisine. We have Aghyad Alsherfawi from Syria who will share his story with us and we will have a workshop from SAMEN, which is a group of young Dutch, Syrian, Eritrean and Iraqi people who share their experiences through exercises.

  • Datum:05/01/2018 01:30 PM - 05/01/2018 06:30 PM
  • Locatie Energieweg 10, 9743 AN Groningen, Netherlands (Kaart)
  • Meer informatie:De Wolkenfabriek


Doors open at 1.30 PM and the program starts at 2 PM. Entrance is free but if you want to be sure to have a seat, please send an email to and let us know how many you'll be joining us.

The main language of the afternoon will be English, but for those who aren't as fluent in English: neither are we and as long as you have someone with you who can translate for you, then please don't hesitate to join us.

Right after our event will be another party, organized by 'Yamen cuisine' to celebrate the new year and Yamen's birthday, make sure to RSVP there as well!

And to those who are up for some 'Dabkeh', make sure to put this event on your calendar as well. Tickets are €15,-