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Time is your most important resource to manage, do you find yourself overloaded with work? Feel so stretched to the limit you can't set priorities? Exhaust yourself daily without accomplishing your goals? This workshop will help you identify causes of procrastination and indecision, pinpoint personal time-wasters and increase your concentration and focus. You’ll learn to schedule your time more effectively, stay on track and keep important goals top of mind, so you can stay in balance and be more effective and productive.

  • Datum:04/06/2018 05:30 PM - 08/06/2018 08:30 PM
  • Locatie Zernikeplein 7, Groningen, Netherlands (Kaart)
  • Meer informatie:Hanze Hogeschool, IBS I.018


How will you benefit:

- Set and accomplish goals

- Create priorities and establish realistic boundaries

- Recognise and deal with time-wasters

- Improve concentration and efficiency

- Break indecision and procrastination habits

- Use technology to help manage time

- Create and recharge positive energy

What we will cover:

- Identifying personal time-wasters

- Defining goals; establishing important and valid priorities

- Creating a realistic and productive schedule

- Dealing with self-distractions and interruptions

- Increasing productivity by using technology efficiently

- Identifying ways to manage email

- Creating boundaries and balance

- Prioritizing and choosing activities to balance life and work

- Creating a personal “no” script

Who is this training course intended for?

What’s Included?
Earn official recognition for your work, and share your success with friends, colleagues, and employers.
The certificates will be presented in cooperation with the International Business School Union 'IBS-U'.

Duration of the course:

ATTN: The mentioned price is only for the Hanze international business school students.
