31 Jan

#Business_Podcast_Groningen with Micha Busch & Aghyad Al-Sherfawi is ONLINE ⚠️ πŸ“’

By Aghyads' πŸ–‹

"So pleased for having this great interview with Micha Busch!
Always happy to tell my story all over again! A great reminder that we all have started from scratch πŸš€

All the thanks and appreciation for these wonderful people who have helped me to make the biggest transforming in my personal and professional life! πŸ’

16:00. Thank you #Liesbeth_Wachtmeester from Humanitas Groningen Stad; For helping me in remembering that my first step in achieving my dreams starts with finalising my studies.

16:41. All the appreciation for #drs_Bram_ten_Kate from International Business School Hanze UAS; For trusting my abilities, and giving me the chance I needed to make the first step in integrating into the Dutch society.

22:40. Rudi Knol from Alfa-college; The person who has trusted in me in creating my first professional step in the Dutch employment market. And will always be the big brother who has and will encourage and support me to fight for my dreams, and never stop chasing the bright future.

24:40. The ambitious young example who has inspired me to start my own business; George Arakel from Voorbeeld Allochtoon & Helpman's Pasta's. You are the best Dutch Voorbeeld Allochtoon πŸ˜‰

28:43. All the appreciation for Consul-Tech's most important partners in the north of the Netherlands MJD Groningen & Link 050; For the great cooperation in creating unique programs for supporting and empowering the newcomers in the society.

23:15. The heroes; Betul Hkmat Mohamad, Jette Haan & Christian de Kraker; Thank you for believing in me, and for being always there when I needed you πŸ€—

43:00. My friend, Somar Rateeb from Aspiraties; Our first promising strategic partners who're sharing the same vision and mission in creating better chances to the newcomers in the Netherlands and all around the world! πŸŽ―

47:11. Last but not least, AL-Bashir company for food industries Ltd; For being my start point in exploring and developing the young skills in me πŸš€

And of course, finally, my lovely family who will always be my daily motivator for creating a great solid milestone in this world 🌍 "
